Page History: MediaDetails
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Page Revision: 2014/05/08 09:30
Every content item within PANDORA Library MEDIA has details attached to it. This can be metadata that is information about the file itself such as history and file type, information about the content such as media number, image type and license information. If the item is a product, you can also find the detailed product information in MEDIA.
This button you can find in numerous places in MEDIA: on the main window of the content item, the advanced search, the basket, etc. When you click this button a separate window will open and it will display the details of the content element.
Some information on this detailed page may be restricted for editing and viewing due to access limitations of your user account.
The details of a product come from the PRODUCT area of PANDORA Library and is maintained by Product Managers. The Media information is maintained by Marketing. To make sure the information is correct and up to date a process is in place to make sure all content is available 24/7 within PANDORA Library. If you feel something is wrong, please contact so we can make sure that the system is providing the right information at all times.