Search Engine
Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
This search, performed through 133.02 KB (16 documents, 1060 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 5 results.
[...] result, PANDORA Library redirects to a detailed page of the product.
If change is needed on a single product, then enter the detailed product page as shown above. Then make sure that the product is set to the correct market that needs change.
Local Product Consumer name: Product name used on the eCom and .net site. Should be translated from Product Consumer name. If not filled in Product Consumer Name will be displayed
Local .net Description: SEO optimized product [...]
[...] the sub classifications you can click on the left classification structure or on the Polaroid. Single Polaroid image: this is a single asset, or content element within PANDORA Library Media. You have navigated to the lowest level. From this point you can view the details of the product or image, enlarge the item or download it to your local folder.
Image Types The file types, such as images, video’s and InDesign files, within PANDORA Library are diverse. Also, there is a vast collection of images that can also be categorized in [...]
[...] grouped into logical sections: Top section: generic global information about the product including the single pack [...]
[...] that the product is ready for use in marketing material. Once the product has been “launched”, one single dataset is prepared from multiple tables in AX. The dataset contains information that is provided to multiple systems, including PANDORA library. The single [...]
[...] this. You can set the output format, you can zip a group of assets for download or you can download a single item from your basket. At the top of the [...]