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Navigation in PANDORA LibraryPANDORA Library is a web-based application. This means that you can use the system like any other website that you know. PANDORA Library has sections that can be accessed by hyperlinks and some basic page elements are consistent throughout the application. This chapter describes these basic page elements in more detail.
Top NavigationOnce you have accessed PANDORA Library you will see the basic homepage that is available as a default page to all users. The top navigation is the same throughout the application and provides basic and the most common navigation options. They are available in the purple bar. The options visible here can differ from the access rights you have in the system.
The following items are available in the top navigation:
1. Studios: PANDORA Library consists out of multiple sections that are called studios. These sections are only available to specialist users and administrators and require a separate training.
2. Change Profile: This functionality is available for all users and allows you to change your settings such as your name, location, job title and password.
3. Log Out: Here you exit PANDORA Library. If you log-out you have to re-enter your login credentials for access. This is the most secure method to navigate away from PANDORA Library.
Title Navigation
The title navigation is also available throughout the application. Once you’ve logged into the system you can always find your way to the most common areas. In addition to this navigation area in the white bar on top of the page, you can also perform a search and if you place items into your basket, on the right side you will see a link to your basket. The options visible here can differ from the access rights you have in PANDORA Library.
The following areas can be accessed from the title navigation:
Home: at any time within the application you can return to the home page of PANDORA Library. The Home page is available to all users.
Media: opens the media section of PANDORA library where all the images, files, video’s, PDF’s, etc. are stored. The media assets are not only related to products, all marketing materials can be found in this area. Depending on your user profile you can access specific areas in the MEDIA section.
3. CAMPAIGNS: one of the more often accessed areas is the campaign section of PANDORA library. Although it is a section within MEDIA a direct link to this area is placed on top. By using this link you will immediately navigate to all the PANDORA campaigns and its materials.
4. Business Unit: this area is also a subset of the MEDIA section. You need to indicate if you want to navigate to content/ marketing, PR or corporate. The selection of assets available here is of specific relation to these business units within PANDORA.
5. PIM: The PIM is a separate area within PANDORA Library dedicated for the management of product information. The management holds the option to translate products in local languages and assign local prices, enrich the product DNA with marketing descriptions and provide essential E-commerce information. This area is restricted to specific users of PANDORA Library and these users need a in-depth training.
6. PIM Import/ Export: This area is also available only for PANDORA employees who take part in the enrichment process. To create a simple way to enrich the products with all the additional product information an tool has been added to PANDORA Library to import and export towards MS Excel.
7. Management: This section is to manage PANDORA Library. The user management is part of this option and also the drop management. This will enable a consistent and easy way to maintain the users and the information available in PANDORA Library.
Basket: This icon and the counter are for the basket in MEDIA. If you have selected specific media assets they are gathered in the basket for you to work with after your browsing and searching.
9. ADV. Search: This will open the advanced search within MEDIA. It allows you to define a very specific set of search criteria to quickly retrieve those specific assets you need.
10. Quick search: This is to find media assets directly from wherever you are in PANDORA Library. Here you can enter a “Google like” search to quickly find matching files and images.
Bottom NavigationAt the footer of PANDORA Library some basic functions are available that could be of use while working. The functionality is available for all users and remains the same regardless of where you are.
The following functionality is available in the bottom navigation:
1. Help: Here you can find the manual of PANDORA Library. It describes the basic workings of the system.
2. Contact: If you have questions or if you have ideas on how to improve PANDORA Library you can find the contact details here to further discuss your topic.
3. Coming soon: all the new functionality that is planned for PANDORA Library is outlined in this section.
4. Version number: PANDORA Library is continuously improved with new functionality. For the administrators to keep track of the versioning on the different servers this number is added.
5. Legal Disclaimer: copyright law protects the information within PANDORA Library and the contents are often sensitive to the PANDORA Brand. You should not share any information to others outside PANDORA and you need to have the copyrights covered for using materials publicly.
6. PANDORA Website: to navigate directly to the PANDORA official website you can use this link. The site will be opened in a separate window.
7. PANDORA Group Site: to navigate directly to the PANDORA group website you can use this link. The site will be opened in a separate window.