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Page Revision: 2014/05/12 08:21
The main source for all products within PANDORA is the ERP system AX. The ERP system however does not cover the Marketing information about products, the relation between products or the images of products. PANDORA Library is a central application that makes the product information available for all employees and even externals.
All the product information of PANDORA is stored in the PIM studio. Updating and translating product information is a complex process and not all users will find it easy to use the PIM Studio. For this purpose the PIM area has been created in PANDORA Library. It is the area where the workflow will guide the users through the steps of maintaining, updating and translating all product information for the different touch points such as brochures, internet and ecommerce.
The PIM area is only available for the specific users that have the task of maintaining and translating product information. These users have the role Merchant, Global E-Com, Local E-com, Global Product Manger, Local Product Manger and Price Management. Each role performs a different part of the maintenance and translation of the information.
PIM Navigation
The PIM page displays a large amount of information. Depending on your role you can see this information available. All available elements of the PIM page are:
When you click on a product in the PIM view the detail page will open. You can also click on the button “details” in the top right corner. Now you can navigate per product using the pager.