Page History: Security Settings
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Page Revision: 2014/05/12 10:21
PANDORA Library contains very detailed product information and copyrighted materials. Obviously this information should not be visible to all users and not everyone should be able to make changes. To ensure that only the right people have access to the contents of PANDORA Library a security model has been defined.
Each user should only have access based on their function. This can be an internal role such as Product Manager or and external role such as Photographer. More than one function can have the same role, and thus access rights. What you can and cannot do within PANDORA Library is then set to a system role called user group. The user groups are predefined in PANDORA Library
In addition to the function, the user should not see all the contents of the library. This is restricted based on the location of the user. The locations are defined as regions and markets. A region usually has multiple markets and thus visibility on all the markets within the region. A market is usually only one country and the visibility of content is restricted to what only that market should be able to access.
The steps for ensuring that a user has the correct security settings are as followed:
- Step 1:Select the User Group (role) that applies to the user.
- Step 2: Select the region
Step 1 - Select the User Group (role) that applies to the user.
A user must always be in the group "everyone" to allow this person minimum access. You can give a user more that one role, for example someone can be in local product management and local media management. This will give the user a broad range of access. You cannot combine the role "user" with any other role. The user role is a very basic access role for working with PANDORA Library. This role restricts the access to other areas, also if you add other roles to this user.
The following user groups are available in PANDORA Library:
- _Admin: PANDORA Library Project Manager, Business Technology Manager, student support
- Everyone: Everyone with access to PANDORA Library
- _User: All people within PANDORA with no specific needs regarding products and media
- _Global Media Management: Global Graphic Production
- _Local Media Management: Local Graphic Production
- _Travel Retail: Travel Retail
- _Price Management: Local Price Managers, Local Merchant Employees
- _eCom Global: Global E-Commerce employees, eCom manager global
- _eCom Local: Local E-Commerce employee, eCom manager local
- _Uploader: Photographer
- _Global Product Manager: Product Managers, Product Responsible, Product Design and Development Global, Price managers
- _Local Product Manager: Online Translations .Net, Local Translations managers, Country Product Managers, Country Product Responsibles
- _External: Agency, print suppliers
- _Distributor: Distributors
- _Marketing: Global marketing project managers
Step 2: Select the region
If the user works for a Region the applicable region can be selected. Please do not select a region if the user is working on a local (market) level. The region gives a user access to all the material and languages of the markets within the region.
The following regions can be chosen from:
• Global
• Africa
• Asia Pacific
• Central Eastern Europe (CEE)
• Central Western Europe (CWE)
• Nordic Europe
• Middle East
• North America
• South and Central America
2. Users usually also work for a specific market or multiple markets. If a person works for example on a regional level, more than one market can be selected. If the user is working on a global level, only the global can be selected and all markets will be visible. The available markets are listed in the appendix.